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Bringing hope, strength and joy
to critically ill children

Total wishes granted todate: 1030

Wish Stories

Thank you Cosentino for hosting a Novelty Furniture Auction that featured one-of-a-kind pieces with Cosentino materials by four up-and-coming interior designers: Naythan Low and William Lim of Doubble Interior Associates, Wei-Ming of Aureole Design, and Edward Tan of Spacemen Studios on 21 June 2024 at the Cosentino showroom to raise funds in support of our mission to bring joy and hope to critically ill children.

We are grateful for Cosentino’s creative avenue using their innovative products to help us raise funds; so that we can grant more wishes and bring courage and hope to children battling a critical illness.

Call us at +603 2276 3344 to arrange a viewing of the available pieces at the Cosentino showroom or click here to place an online bid.

Benefits of Wishes

When a heartfelt wish comes true, it provides long lasting and life changing impact for critically ill children and everyone around them.    

A wish brings emotional and psychological benefits for sick children and their family.  It is often the turning point in their medical treatment as it can greatly improve their quality of life and provide a better chance of recovery.   

When everything seems hopeless, a wish will awaken the child’s imagination, builds resilience, encourage the child to dream and experience their most cherished wish come true. 

The powerful wish experience creates amazing memories that continue to inspire confidence and strength long after the wish has been granted, enabling the child to better cope with the fear and pain associated with their medical battle.

When a critically ill child’s heartfelt wish has been granted, the immediate and positive changes in the child touches the family, friends, medical professionals, volunteers and entire community.

Our mission relies purely on donations.
Even a small donation can go a long way to bring hope and deliver strength to critically ill children.

MYR 50

could go towards printing, framing and delivery of the child’s portrait as a memento of the wish day

MYR 100

could go towards purchase of the child’s favourite birthday cake

Regular Giving

A regular monthly donation will help us deliver impactful wishes in a timely manner throughout the year.

Click here to donate monthly

Tax Exemption

Potongan di bawah Subseksyen 44(6) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 : No. Rujukan : LHDN.01/35/42/51/179-6.7208 Tempoh Kuatkuasa Kelulusan : 01 Januari 2021 hingga 31 Disember 2025’

Tax exempt approval under Subsection 44(6) Income Tax Act 1967 : Ref number: LHDN.01/35/42/51/179-6.7208 Tax Exempt approval applicable : 01 January 2021 – 31 December 2025.

To minimize our cost of printing and postage, kindly note that e-copy of the tax receipts will be sent for donations of RM30 and above.

Should you wish to receive your tax receipt for donation under RM30.00, please email us at


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